Top Cities for Mortgages in Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

Rank#City/Town% of InquiriesAgeIncomeCo-IncomeLoan
101Port Au Choix, NL-34$70K-$20K
102La Scie, NL-34$31.1K--
103Pollards Point, NL-21-$34K$155K
104Cape St. George, NL-35$140K--
105Dover, NL-34$85K-$100K
106Cupids, NL-55$24K-$34K
107Cormack, NL-58$20K--
108Cooks Harbour, NL-43$40K$24K$30K
109Conception Harbour, NL-44$43K-$235K
110Churchill Falls, NL-60$152K$48K-
111Cartwright, NL-35$65K$15K$80K
112Burnside, NL-36$60K-$25K
113Englee, NL-43$42K$28K-
114Burns Cove, NL-62$100K-$165K
115Burlington, NL-27-$56K$170K
116Burin, NL-34$58K-$120K
117Buchans, NL-50$30K--
118Brigus, NL-26$15K$26K$16.3K
119Black Duck Cove, NL-25$110K--
120Bay Bulls, NL-29$49.6K--
121Dunville, NL-41$49K-$35K
122Flowers Cove, NL-40$135K-$165K
123Point Leamington, NL-36$15K$19K$17K
124Arnolds Cove, NL-53---
125Northern Bay, NL-39$39.8K$47.2K$80.5K
126Noels Pond, NL-43$45K$12K-
127New Harbour Tb, NL-62$70K--
128Lourdes, NL-26$85K-$245K
129Little Hearts Ease, NL-21$45K-$45K
130Little Bay Pb, NL-33$110K-$175K
131Lawn, NL-22$60K-$105K
132Kilbride, NL-39$50K--
133Frenchmans Cove Fb, NL-43$35K-$15K
134Isle-aux-morts, NL-30$25K-$25K
135Harbour Round, NL-30$45K$40K$20K
136Grates Cove, NL-23$29K-$45K
137Glenwood, NL-36$35K-$20K
138Garnish, NL-50$90K$50K$95K
139Gander Bay, NL-39$69K$36K$160K
140Freshwater Pb, NL-20$27K$41K$85K
141Witless Bay, NL-32$75K--
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