Terms Starting with L
- Loss Payable Clause — Definition,
- An insurance policy provision for payment of a claim to someone, other than the insured's interest in the insured property. This clause basically allows an insurer to make payments to a third party in certain circumstances.
- Loss Payee — Definition,
- An entity that is legally entitled to the benefits of an insurance claim.
- Loss Per Share (LPS) — Acronym,
- Loss Ratio — Definition,
- A method of comparing an insurer's losses to premiums earned in a specific period of time.
- Loss Reserve — Definition,
- A reserve of money and liquid assets set aside by an insurer for the payment of claims that have been submitted but have yet to be paid out.
- Loss Settlement Amount — Definition,
- The percentage of damages an insurer is contractually obligated to pay for after a claim.
- Losses Incurred — Definition,
- The total net losses of an entity in a year.
- Lost Policy Release (LPR) — Acronym,
- Lot Size (LSZ) — Acronym, ➥ Usually in square feet.
- Low Ball Offer — Definition,
- A way-below-market bid a buyer makes on a property or item.
- Low Cost Housing (LCH) — Acronym,
- Low Doc Mortgage (LDM) — Acronym,
- Low Document Transfer (LDT) — Acronym, Very Important,
- Low Exercise Price Option (LEPO) — Acronym,
- Low Interest Loan Assistance (LILA) — Acronym, British Columbia, Canada, ➥ Offered by the British Columbia Development Corporation (BCDC).
- Low Load (LL) — Acronym,
- A short-term deferred service charge on a mutual fund.
- Low of Day (LOD) — Acronym,
- Low Rate Income Pool (LRIP) — Acronym, Canada,
- Low Return on Investment (LROI) — Acronym,
- Low to Moderate Income Borrower (LMIB) — Acronym,
- Low-documentation Loan — Definition,
- A mortgage that requires less income or asset verification than conventional loans. Low-documentation loans are designed for the entrepreneur or self-employed, for recent immigrants, or for borrowers who cannot or choose not to reveal their financial information. A substantial down payment and excellent credit history are generally required. This type of loan will also yield a higher interest rate.
- Low-down Mortgages — Definition, Important,
- Mortgages with a low down payment, usually less than 10 percent.
- Low-down-payment Loan — Definition,
- A mortgage where the borrower puts down a small amount and borrows a high percentage of the purchase price.
- Low-Income Countries (LIC) — Acronym,
- Low-Location Exit Path Marking (LLEPM) — Acronym,
- Lower Level (L/L, ll) — Acronym & Abbreviation,
- Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC) — Acronym,
- Lowest Sustainable Rate of Unemployment (LSRU) — Acronym,
- LPQ Amount — Definition,
- A term used by CanEquity which is short for Loan, Purchase or Qualification amount.
- Luminus Financial — Company Est. 2011, Ontario, Canada, ➥ Formerly Starnews Credit Union which was established in 1951. A Canadian NHA approved mortgage lender that offers all lending types, including both residential single family and multi-unit mortgages.
Loss Payable Clause -
Low Cost Housing
Low Cost Housing