Bad Debt


  • Money you can't collect. Businesses are allowed to deduct bad debts under certain circumstances. If a bad debt is personal, it may be deducted in some cases as a short-term capital loss. Loans between family members generally are classified as non-business.

loss, unrecoverable, noncollectable

Related Terms and Acronyms

  • Business BankruptcyDefinition,
    • A bankruptcy case in which the debtor is a business or an individual involved in business and the debts are for business purposes.
  • CollectionDefinition,
    • The efforts used to bring an overdue mortgage, or other debt current, and the filing of necessary notices to proceed with foreclosure when necessary.
  • Credit Rating (CR)Acronym, Very Important,
    • A judgement of a person's ability to repay debts. The rating is often based on a person's current and projected income and past debt payment history. Also called a credit score.
    ➥ A metric to measure the credit worthiness of a debtor.
  • Credit Report (CR)Acronym, Very Important,
    • A report on a loan applicant's willingness and ability to make payments in a timely manner in the past. This report is provided to the bank by an outside agency.
    ➥ A report that outlines the credit worthiness of an individual or entity.
  • DebtDefinition,
    • Money one person or firm owes to another person or firm.
  • Debt ConsolidationDefinition,
    • The replacement of multiple loans with a single loan, often with a lower monthly payment and a longer repayment period. It's also called a consolidation loan. CanEquity has access to Canada's best debt consolidation products, for more info about debt consolidation see our debt consolidation page.
  • Non-dischargeable DebtDefinition,
    • Debt that cannot be eliminated in bankruptcy such as Federal taxes.
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