Alternative Minimum Tax


  • This tax primarily affects high-income taxpayers who shelter some of their income from taxation through certain tax preference items or deductions. It is often referred to as AMT. If your income meets the limit, then you have to recalculate your tax amount that is due based on the separate alternative minimum tax rates and tables.

Form T691.

form T691


Alternate Spellings

Related Terms and Acronyms

  • Before-tax Income Definition,
    • Earnings before income taxes are paid.
  • Direct Tax Definition,
    • A tax that is paid straight to the government.
  • Tax Deduction Definition,
    • An expense that governments allow you to subtract from your income before computing your income tax.
  • Tax Deferral Definition,
    • The postponement of taxes to a later year, usually by recognizing income or a gain at a later time. Remember, this only delays your tax liability; it doesn't eliminate it.
  • Tax Exempt (TE) Acronym, Very Important,
    • Income that is not subject to tax. Income exempt from federal tax may, however, be subject to provincial taxation.
  • Tax-sheltered Definition,
    • A savings or investment plan that offers significant tax savings.
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